Played at Banyan today with Spaghetti Marinara and a couple of other choppers. This is the practice putting green.
For something different it was fucking hot and windy again. Sweating my ass off before I got on the tee. Fuck me why wouldn’t you want to live here.
Birdied 1st and 7th but bogied 5 and 8 to turn square, then birdied 12 and ended up shooting 71. Ended up third for the day for $1500 and lost the gross to Spaghetti again as he shot 70.
Black Mountain again tomorrow for the third and final round of the Pacific Golf Cup. I might be near the lead. There is also a 6 round event as well I think. The last round is seeded and the Calcutta is on tonight.
Went to a shop where the fish eat your feet last night, after I did that I thought, I wonder how many people have had their stinking dirty pox covered feet in this water. Oh fuck me I felt sick.
I might get typhoid and polio now Fuck.
Thailand Shooter out