After the last few rounds and the demons that have come from them, Shooter is reminded that form is temporary, class is permanent.
It's Sunday, Singlets is out due to Neck, Back, Eye, Hip, Elbow, Knee, Ankle and the never ending toe injury, let him run you through it sometime, it makes paint drying seem like a spectator sport.
Stickers has been practicing all week as usual, I am sure they have a roped off area just for him now, fuck he is there a lot.
Shooter and Stickers decide to go out about 12:30 to play. At 11:30, I text Stickers and tell him I am still at Singlet's Proshop, regripping a putter so wont have much time to hit balls. Stickers texts back to tell me he wont be there until 12:45, what a fuck, I'm sure he is doing it to fuck with my head. Fucking Stickers time, everyone else can fuck off, he will show up when he wants, I am off him already today and haven't even seen him, mind game little fucker.
Once The Shooter arrives, deals with the waiting media and makes his way to the range, Stickers is already there, see what I mean about the little mind game fucker ?
We discuss his attitude, how bad it is and that he should have more respect. After that I get a 20 minute taking to about his new chipping strategy and how it makes complete sense. I told him that's what I have been doing for a year, he is having none of it. There may be blood spilt today if he keeps this shit up.
Out to the first, between Stickers and Shooter we have made a pact that we are only about positive things on the golf course, positive attitude, positive reinforcement, positive attitude to your playing partners, although the fucker is pushing my boundaries already, we hold tight to the pact.
Stickers flushes it off the first tee, very nice. Shooter hits a 50 yard pull that carries a large grass mound, "Fuck me, that could be fucked over there" ok, only positive from now I remind myself. Ball is fine, hit a hooking 5 iron back into play. Meanwhile Stickers has a wedge from 100 or so, as usual, I am only looking 25 meters left of the green, that where they all go. He flushes that and it never leaves the flag, holy shit. Then he makes the putt for birdie to win the hole. Fuck me, how long has this been going on.
The Shooter is a little shaken by this, wow, great birdie Stickers. The second is halved in par, Stickers hits it left from the 3rd tee and makes bogie, back to square. Stickers is moving a little slowly, stretching out his back after the drive and again after the drive on 4 that goes right into the trees. He tells me his back has been sore all week from work. I know that is bullshit, he doesn't work, he spends his day shooting the breeze with anyone on the range. I also noted his back wasn't sore when he birdied the first.
Shooter flushes the driver up 3 and 4, now this is the old Shooter, course is a little wet but that doesn't stop Shooter smashing the 3 wood 239 meters onto the 4th green, casual 2 putt birdie to win the hole. Shooter 1 up.
Stickers hit another great wedge shot on 4 and again on 5, fuck me, he has been working on that, I wont ever admit it but its a little bit impressive. Shooter thins one on 5 over the back into the habitat of my best mate the red bellied black snake, I'm sure the fucker waits for me every week.
Shooter hits a pure pitch from the rough shaggy uphill lie that hits the flag and stops next to the hole, Stickers, lets out a loud "fuck me" maintains it would have been off the green if it misses the flag, what a dickhead. Still 1 up.
6 is halved, Shooter hits it onto the 7th green and Stickers is short, Stickers hits one of the best pitch shots I have seen him hit from a suspect lie with the grain growing into him. Then he holes the putt, fuck him. Stay positive Shoot, stay positive.
Shooter wins 8th after Stickers driver goes missing again for the 3rd time today, its the only blemish of his round so far that fucking driver, he needs a new one from Singlets proshop.
Shooter smashes one down 9, Stickers hits his 2nd on the left side of the green and has no answer for Shooters piercing iron shot to 4 feet for another birdie to take a 2 up lead into the back 9.
As we walk from 9 green and inline with our new positive mindset, we decide to stop and have a Canadian Club before moving through to the back 9.
Just enough time to remember, old fuckers seize up if you stop. I'm sure this was Stickers plan although as he is 2 down, his back is now killing him he claims. Just buy the drinks Stickers and get on the fucking tee.
Shooter hits a 3 iron from 10, it starts left and goes hard left, Stickers is laughing. Shooter finds it but makes 5, Stickers now 1 down.
11 is playing 167 into a one club wind, Stickers and Shooter both underestimate the strength of the wind and come up short, Stickers hits the worst chip he has hit all day and Shooter wins the hole with 3.
We decide that Stickers is going home and Shooter will walk back to the clubhouse, its late, Stickers back is fucked but I think its more about being 2 down again.
A footnote though, from what I saw today Stickers has been working, yes he lost, he tried his best. I cant wait to see the showdown between Stickers and Blisters now.
I am calling Sportsbet to get as much cash as I can on Stickers, its going to be a bloodbath.
Glimmer of hope Shooter out.